5 Celebrities Who Wore Adult Braces

Have you ever considered adult braces? Getting braces as an adult isn’t as uncommon as you might think.

And while the smile-enhancing technique is common amongst teenagers, you’d be surprised at the number of adults turning to the method to improve their smiles. This could be for a multitude of reasons … Maybe you didn’t have the opportunity for braces as a kid or didn’t follow your orthodontist’s advice and wear your retainer the way you were supposed to.

Regardless of the reaon for a less-than-perfect smile, many adults when faced with the possibility of wearing braces are understandably hesitant. But the truth is, adult braces are becoming more and more commonplace, and even considered fashionable in some circles.

If the celebrities who sported braces as adults is any indication, you’d actually be in very good company:

Tom Cruise

Thought to be one of the most attractive men in Hollywood, adult braces did not stop Tom Cruise from frequenting red carpets at the age of 40. And since having them taken off, the now 53 year old is looking better than ever!

Faye Dunaway

Hey, if Faye Dunaway decides to get braces when she is in her 60s, who says you have to be a kid to get braces? Yes, that's right. Academy Award Winner Faye Dunaway chose to wear braces in her golden years. Does that make you want to watch The Thomas Crown AffairChinatown or even Mommie Dearest? These are the movies she made in her pre-braces days.

Gwen Stefani

The No Doubt frontwoman and current coach on NBC’s The Voice sported adult braces as a fashion statement in the late 90s.

Danny Glover

Faye Dunaway was not the only one to get braces in her later years. Danny Glover also decided to get braces relatively later in life. He opted for the clear braces on the top of his teeth and the metal on the bottom.

Faith Hill

Though the country singer had braces when she was younger, she got them a second time as an adult. Her teeth had shifted because she did not wear her retainer as prescribed.


Are you interested in finding out more about how braces could change your look? Schedule your consultation today! Our team will be glad to talk to you about what we can do to maximize your results and leave you with a smile so great that it should be in the movies.

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