5 Celebrities Who Have Veneers

Have you ever considered veneers? Look no further than Hollywood to see the dramatic effects veneers can have on your smile.

With cameras around every corner waiting to snap your picture, it’s no wonder many celebrities turn to veneers—few people are actually born with a perfect, white, straight smile.

Here are five who have opted for veneers to improve their own smiles and images:

Miley Cyrus

Yup, Hannah Montana herself sports a solid set of veneers.  Some may remember her early episodes of her show growing up, or spotted her with Billy Ray Cyrus before starring for Disney. Her smile was much different back then. Now Miley's smile is new and improved, although her tongue seems to hang out of her mouth more often than not.  Maybe she's just excited about how fantastic her teeth now look with dental veneers.

Jamie Foxx

If you catch Jamie Foxx in a role these days (or making an appearance on a talk show), he seems to sport a perfect set of pearly whites. Now turn back the clock just a few years ago and you'll spot a rather obvious gap between his teeth. He didn't go the braces route like Mr. Tom Cruise. Instead, he went for the immediate fix with quality veneers. He is known to have one of the best smiles in Hollywood.

50 Cent

This is another example of a celebrity who went the veneers route after becoming famous. Most of his early records show him sporting a gapped smile. He eventually invested into his teeth giving him an excellent smile to go along with his fit physique.

Demi Moore

When Demi went the route of veneers her smile changed drastically. You may not remember a day where Demi didn't have a brilliant smile. If you look up Demi Moore pre-veneers, you'll definitely notice a difference. Now, she has a stunning smile and one many other people admire, helping maintain her youthful appearance.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most prominent soccer players in the world. He is also the poster boy for great looks. He has taken great lengths to maintain his current body image and has done this by also upgrading his smile. Ronaldo did not have a straight smile before veneers. He had misalignments in his teeth, gaps between his teeth and other dental issues. His million dollar smile continues to help him in his modeling career. His looks are a major part of his draw and paycheck. Investing in an upgraded smile is certainly paying off!

Can you name any celebrities that also have veneers we didn't mention today?

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