What Is A Crown & What Should You Expect?

Has a dentist recently told you that you that you need a crown? Nervous about the procedure and not sure what to expect?

A dental crown is essentially a tooth cap placed on a tooth to restore strength, size, shape, and restore appearance. Once the crowns are cemented into place, they can fully encase the entire tooth above the gum line. Dental crowns are applied for reasons such as:

  • Protecting a tooth (whether weak itself or weak from decay) from breakage.
  • Holding a cracked tooth together.
  • Restoring a tooth that has been worn down or broken.
  • Supporting and covering a tooth that has a large filling with little to no tooth left.
  • Holding dental bridges in place.
  • Covering discolored or misshapen teeth.
  • Covering dental implants.
  • Cosmetic modifications.

Crowns Available

There's a wide range of crowns available on the market that can suit your needs. Types of crowns available on the market are:

  • Stainless Steel - A stainless steel crown is prefabricated and used on permanent teeth for temporary measures. These crowns are used to protect the filling or tooth while the permanent crown is being made from another material.
  • Metals - Metal crowns are often made of base-metal alloys, gold alloys, and other alloys. Compared to other cnrowns on the market, metal crowns require less tooth removal for installation and the wear on surrounding teeth is minimal. In terms of wear, metal crowns last the longest as they don't necessarily wear down and they can withstand chewing/biting forces. However, the major drawback associated with them is their metallic color.
  • Porcelain (Fused to Metal) - Porcelain fused to metal crowns have the ability to be color matched with your teeth. Unfortunately, more wear occurs to opposing teeth in comparison to resin or metal crowns and the porcelain can chip off over time. They can look like normal teeth, but the underlying crown can show a dark line near the gums. Many use these crowns for back or front teeth.

If you happen to have metal allergies or would like to spend less money on crowns, resin crowns can be an excellent alternative. Such resin crowns on the market are:

  • All Ceramic/All Porcelain - These crowns have a much more natural color match in comparison to other crown types. These crowns are an excellent choice for front teeth.
  • Permanent versus Temporary - Permanent crowns are created in dental laboratories; Temporary crowns are created at your dentist office. Temporary crowns are usually made of stainless steel or acrylics for restoration (while the permanent crown is being made in a lab).
  • Milled or Zirconia Crowns - These crowns are often constructed digitally with hardware and software to be produced in a dental laboratory. These can be produced in one visit and eliminate the need for a temporary crown.

Don't forget that we're always available for dental consultations in Boise. Make a dental appointment today!

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