Vitamins And Minerals Your Smile Needs

Most people know that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily in order to maintain good oral hygiene. Of course, both of those steps are essential but there are other things that can be just as important for your smile, like taking certain vitamins and minerals.

1. The Most Important Mineral Is Calcium

Many parents are aware that this mineral is necessary for their kids bone health. However, adults need to maintain healthy calcium levels as well. Calcium does help to fortify your bones but it also strengthens tooth enamel directly. That means that proper calcium levels will help to reduce tooth sensitivity and cavities. Luckily, calcium is readily available in many foods including milk, cheese, and yogurt.

2. Vitamin D As A Calcium Helper And Density Builder

If asked about vitamins for healthy teeth, most people would likely guess vitamin D first. It definitely is crucial for a healthy smile because our bodies have a difficult time absorbing calcium without sufficient vitamin D. Additionally, vitamin D helps improve our bone density which makes our teeth stronger and more resilient. Some milk is fortified with vitamin D but it can also be obtained from certain fish amd oranges. Direct sunlight is also a great source of vitamin D.

3. Strengthen Bones With Phosphorus

Phosphorus is another mineral that can help you yo maintain oral health. It is anothrr aid to calcium that further strengthens your bones and teeth. Although phosphorua may not be widely talked about, it is widely available in pumpkin seeds, many seafoods, and broth.

4. Shield Teeth And Reduce Bleeding With Vitamin K

Vitamin K is another of the vitamins for healthy teeth. Perhaps the biggest way that vitamin K supports your teeth is that it acts as a shield protecting your teeth from things that would otherwise break them down. It also promotes bone strength by producing an additional protein called osteocalcin. Finally, having sufficient vitamin K levels can help reduce bleeding, which can be drastically helpful if you suffer from bleeding gums. This vitamin can be readily found in many greens including spinach, kale, and broccoli.

5. Create Healthy Gums With Vitamin C

Most people have heard of vitamin C but it is often in the context of creating a healthy immune system. It certainly can help your immune system fight for your health but it also is good at creating healthy gum tissue. Healthy gums help promote healthy teeth and prevent development or progression of gum disease, such as gingivitis. Vitamin C is found in high concentrations in many citrus fruits and leafy greens.

6. Potassium For Calcium Retention

Potassium is another mineral that will help you keep strong teeth by improving density. Perhaps more importantly, potassium can help maintain the pH balance of your teeth which is important because when your teeth are too acidic, they can lose their calcium. Large amounts of potassium are found in bananas but potatoes, avocados and tomatoes also are significant sources of potassium.

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