What are These White Spots on My Teeth?

White spots appearing on the teeth can be cause for concern, but there are a few common reasons why these spots have appeared. There are also many ways to get rid of these spots, which can be comforting to anyone who is concerned with having a perfect smile devoid of imperfections. Below are some of the more common answers for why these white dots appear and how to get rid of them.

Ingesting Large Amounts of Fluoride
Fluorosis is the main reason why toothpaste for children does not contain fluoride. It is also why you should never swallow your mouthwash after swishing. If you ingest large amounts of fluoride while your teeth are still developing, it can cause fluorosis, which is why white dots appear.

Plaque Build-Up
Allowing plaque to build-up is also a common reason why white spots appear. Inadequate brushing is usually the reason for plaque causing white spots, which can be due to poor dental hygiene. It also happens when children or adults wear braces, as it can sometimes be difficult to properly clean every area that plaque builds up on.

Nutritional Inadequacy/Deficiency
Enamel hypoplasia (white spots) is caused by prenatal smoking, high fevers while developing, and medical deficiencies. The appearance of enamel hypoplasia is purely superficial, although some experts have suggested that the milky white areas may be more prone to decay.

How do I get rid of the spots?

Veneers and Bleaching
If it is a single tooth or even more than one tooth that has white spots on it, your best options for treatment include veneers and bleaching. It really depends upon the extent of the white spots and how permanent you want your results to be. If you live in Boise, Meridian, or surrounding areas, our professionals can help you determine which treatment would be the most beneficial for you. Both treatments offers pros and cons.

Because the white spots are lighter in color than the surrounding enamel, bleaching is useful because it balances the appearance of your smile. By lightening the surrounding enamel, the white spots are able to blend in with the rest of your smile. Veneers cover the imperfections using porcelain. Porcelain veneers are durable and stain-resistant, so they look and feel perfectly natural. Porcelain veneers are often useful if bleaching alone is not good enough to give you a perfect smile.

Contact Us
Our professionals would be more than happy to examine your mouth to help you determine whether you would benefit the most from bleaching or veneers. We want to help you achieve a perfect smile that will last  as long as possible. White spots appearing are not always your fault, and you don't have to live with them any longer if you don't want to. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation and get started on your journal toward a brighter smile!

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